Debbie began her career at Kennelwood in 2014, as a part-time runner after she retired from Charter Communications. Before working at Kennelwood, Debbie and her pup Eddie were customers! “I figured if Eddie loved it so much, that it would be a great place for me to work part-time,” says Debbie about of her career move. A year later she decided to take a full-time position in Customer Service. Another year later, Debbie added grooming as a groom tech to her skills and worked in both the Grooming and Customer Service departments.
“We have some of the most fantastic clients that come to Page. I don’t think we go more than a week when a client drops off donuts, popsicles or any kind of snacks for us. And as we all do, we have a special bond with the pups as well as their parents that I will treasure forever. My goal has always been to retire when I turn 70, but I am thinking that I may hang in there a bit longer.”
Debbie lost her best friend Eddie in 2020, to heart failure. He was the one that brought Debbie to Kennelwood and his picture was even on one of the training brochures. He loved Kennelwood and loved day camp. Debbie currently owns Charlotte, a Beagle, who is seven and has been coming to Kennelwood since 2014 and her newest addition, Homer, who was born in 2020 and loves coming Kennelwood with mom as well.
Debbie love to sew in her free time. She has made many, many masks for Covid and perhaps when she does finally retire, will open an Etsy shop with some of the things she loves to make such as bracelets, blankets and purses.